Monday, October 5, 2009

Scientists Accidentally Find & Kill Giant Squid In Gulf Of Mexico

According to a news article on Mother Nature News, scientists accidentally ensnared a "Giant" Squid in a fishing net while studying the eating habits of the Sperm Whale. The word "Giant" in the previous sentence is encased in quotation marks because, while the squid was more giant than a regular squid, it wasn't exactly be considered "Giant" on the Andre the Giant scale of Giantness. It measured only 19.3 feet long. Giant Squid have been known to grow to be 43 feet long, so this one was only a teenager. Cause of death is determined to be the change in pressure resulting from being rapidly brought to the surface. Basically, these scientist exploded it.

Here is a photo of the exploded Giant Squid:

photo: NOAA